Our Investments
We’ve queried our database of tax-free investments and selected ones that match your risk level and time horizon. So using the inputs you gave us on the previous page, we’ve queried our database for products that fit.
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Click the i next to each investment for more information about it. You can also click on the “contact me” links to have subscribing investment providers contact you.

Sygnia Skeleton Worldwide Flexible
The Sygnia Skeleton Worldwide Flexible targets superior long-term returns and aims to protect capital over the medium to long term.
It is a multi-asset class portfolio that represents Sygnia’s best investment view on the optimal combination of different asset classes required to achieve superior long-term returns at a reasonable level of risk. The portfolio exploits the benefits of diversification and will change its exposure to different asset classes on an active basis, based on prevailing market conditions. The unconstrained nature of the mandate ensures that risk of capital loss can be managed in an effective manner over both the medium and the long term via active asset allocation strategies.
The target market is retail investors who require a worldwide flexible fund without the investment limitations of Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act. The risk profile of the Sygnia Skeleton Worldwide Flexible Fund is moderate to high, with an unconstrained allocation to South African and global equities. This makes it a suitable investment for investors seeking higher returns and who are willing to tolerate significant short-term volatility, as well as investors who aim to protect capital over the medium to long term.

Sygnia Skeleton International Equity Fund of Funds
The Sygnia Skeleton International Equity Fund of Funds targets an annual return in excess of the total return of the MSCI All Country World Index.
It is a high risk, multi-manager global equity fund. The portfolio is invested in low-cost, passively managed funds and aim to be fully invested in foreign equity. Overall, the portfolio seeks to provide investors with capital growth over the medium term at a reasonable level of volatility relative to international equity markets denominated in South African Rand. To that effect the portfolio places an emphasis on index selection and geographical allocation.
The target market is retail investors who require offshore exposure but who do not wish to make use of their offshore allowance or whose offshore allowance has already been fully utilised.

Sygnia All Bond Index Fund
The Sygnia All Bond Index Fund aims to achieve a return which will equate to the annual return of the index benchmark.
It is a passively managed fixed interest portfolio which aims to deliver returns which mirror those of the JSE All Bond Composite Index (ALBI). The underlying investments are selected based on the composition of the ALBI index. The aim of the Fund is to offer investors access to a broadly diversified selection of the largest (by market capitalisation) and liquid South African bonds.
The risk profile of the Sygnia All Bond Index Fund is low to moderate. This makes it suitable for investors who are risk averse and seek exposure to less risky assets. It is also suitable for investors who wish to use an investment vehicle focused on capital growth and income generation through active selection in the domestic bond market.
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
1 Year | -0.10% | 1.00% |

Sygnia DIVI Index Fund
The Sygnia DIVI Index Fund is a passively-managed equity portfolio which aims to deliver returns which mirror those of the FTSE/JSE Dividend Plus Index.
The underlying investments are selected based entirely on the composition of the FTSE/JSE Dividend Plus Index. The aim of the Fund is to offer investors access to a broadly diversified selection of high dividend yield companies as forecast by leading investment analysts in South Africa.
The strategy is expected to deliver a high dividend income flow. By its nature, the strategy has a strong value-bias.
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
1 Year | -8.60% | -8.10% |

Sygnia Top 40 Index Fund
The Sygnia Top 40 Index Fund is a passively managed equity portfolio which aims to deliver returns which mirror those of the FTSE/JSE Top 40 Index.
The underlying investments are selected based on the composition of the FTSE/JSE Top 40 Index. The aim of the Fund is to offer investors access to a broadly-diversified selection of the largest companies listed on the JSE.
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
1 Year | 6.20% | 6.80% |

Sygnia SWIX Index Tracker
The Sygnia SWIX Index Fund is a passively managed equity portfolio which aims to deliver returns which mirror those of the FTSE/JSE SWIX Index. The underlying investments are selected based on the composition of the FTSE/JSE SWIX Index. The aim of the Fund is to offer investors access to a broadly diversified selection of the large and medium-sized companies listed on the JSE.
The risk profile of the Sygnia SWIX Index Fund is high as it targets an overall 100% allocation to a wide selection of South African equities. This makes it a suitable investment for investors seeking higher returns and who are willing to tolerate higher volatility, as well as investors who aim to maximise capital accumulation over a longer-term time horizon.
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
1 Year | 5.60% | 6.10% |

Sygnia Skeleton Balanced 60 Fund
The Sygnia Skeleton Balanced 60 Fund is a moderate risk multi-asset class global balanced portfolio managed on a passive basis.
The underlying investments are split-funded across a number of specialist index-tracking portfolios. These are managed by Sygnia, as well as by third party asset management companies which specialise in passive asset management. Sygnia retains responsibility for managing the asset allocation strategy on an active basis.
The aim of the Fund is to offer investors access to a well-diversified balanced portfolio at the lowest cost possible, while ensuring that the risk profile of the strategy remains consistent over time.
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
1 Year | 8.50% | 9.60% |

Sygnia Listed Property Index Fund
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
Since inception | 6.90% | 6.60% |
1 Year | 19.50% | 19.90% |

Sygnia Skeleton Balanced 70 Fund
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
Since inception | 11.40% | 12.40% |
1 Year | 8.50% | 10.10% |

Sygnia Skeleton Balanced 40 Fund
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
Since inception | 10.00% | 10.00% |
1 Year | 9.10% | 8.00% |