Our Investments
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Sanlam Tax-Free Investment Comprehensive Plan
The Sanlam Tax-Free Investment Comprehensive Plan offers the flagship Sanlam Unit Trust funds and qualifying funds from other leading fund managers. It offers a range of qualifying investment funds. You can choose up to five funds at first, and can switch between these funds at any time. The first four switches in any plan year are free. Thereafter a switching fee of R600 will be charged per switch.

Satrix Bond Index Fund
The Satrix Bond Index Fund tracks the performance of its benchmark, the FTSE/JSE All Bond Index. The fund is rebalanced monthly.
The fund will invest in a basket of permitted government and corporate fixed-interest securities. The aim is to track the FTSE/JSE All Bond Index. By investing in a passive vehicle the returns to investment strategies are known. By applying a full replication strategy there is minimum risk of deviation from the chosen benchmark.
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
Since Inception | 4.73% | 5.49% |
1Year | 0.34% | 0.96% |

Satrix ALSI Index Fund
The Satrix ALSI Index Fund is a passive, pure equity fund which tracks the performance of the FTSE/JSE All Share Index. The fund is rebalanced quaterly and the fund therefore incurs minimal trading fees.
This fund is ideal for the investor who seeks the general equity market performance through a well-diversified equity portfolio at low costs. It is a passive, 100% equity investment with no stock picking or asset allocation calls.
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
1 Year | 5.55% | 6.25% |
3 Years | 10.82% | 11.98% |

Sanlam Investment Management Balanced Fund
This is a multi asset class fund which aims to grow capital steadily while providing income over the medium to longer term. The preservation of real capital is of primary importance in achieving this objective. The fund is Regulation 28 compliant and is suitable for retirement savings. The fund may hold up to 25% in offshore assets.
Typically this fund will hold a large weighting in JSE shares with a maximum equity exposure of 75%. Capital exposure will also include investments in money market instruments, bonds, listed property and up to 25% in offshore assets. Fund risk is lower than that of a pure equity fund.
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
1 Year | 7.03% | 6.88% |
3 Years | 10.25% | 10.18% |

Sanlam Inflation Plus Fund
This is a multi asset low equity fund which aims to deliver smooth, positive real returns (adjusted for the effects of inflation) targeting CPI +4% over a rolling 3 year period. Equity exposure is limited to 40%. The fund is managed in accordance with Reg. 28 guidelines.
This actively managed fund is a combination of investments in equity, bonds, money market instruments and listed property both locally and abroad. It can invest 25% offshore. This fund uses derivatives to protect capital. It is not a low equity balanced fund and aims to smooth returns and reduce volatility.
It is suitable for investors with a medium term investment horison (3-5 yrs), who require capital stability and real income growth. This fund is only cognisant of its targeted return and not of any peer group.
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
1 Year | 9.53% | 10.29% |
3 Years | 10.23% | 9.83% |

Sanlam Value Fund
This is a pure equity fund diversified across all sectors of the JSE. It offers a reasonable level of current income and the potential for long term outperformance. The fund managers only invests in shares which are undervalued and are very aware of downside risks. A maximum of 25% offshore assets may be held. This fund may invest in any listed share, but focuses on financially sound companies which offer exceptional value.
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
1 Year | -4.72% | 6.25% |
3 Years | 8.14% | 11.98% |

Sanlam Enhanced Yield Fund
The Sanlam Enhance Yield Fund aims to offer a higher yield than a money market fund by taking advantage of the higher yields offered by a wide range of debt instruments including corporate bonds. It has no equity exposure and may invest 25% offshore. The ASISA category limits the average duration of the fund to 2 years.
The fund is a blend of higher yielding interest bearing instruments including corporate bonds (non-sovereign and non-bank debt) as well as government bonds and money market instruments.
Although it invests in slightly riskier interest bearing instruments, capital stability, similar to that of a money market fund, remains a major consideration. By taking somewhat more credit and curve risk, SIM aims to outperform the Shortterm Fixed Interest Composite Index, as indicated by the benchmark.
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
1 Year | 7.43% | 7.26% |
3 Years | 6.85% | 6.61% |

Sanlam Money Market Fund
This fund aims to deliver a higher level of income than fixed deposits and call deposits over time. Capital preservation is of primary importance and the fund offers immediate liquidity. The fund has no offshore exposure.
It invests in a range of money market instruments which include negotiable certificates of deposit , bankers’ acceptances, debentures, treasury bills and call accounts.It may only invest in money market instruments with a maturity of less than 13 months.
While capital losses are unlikely, they can occur if, for example one of the issuers of an instrument held by the fund defaults. In this event losses will be borne by the fund and its investors.
This fund is ideal for use as an emergency fund. It suits risk averse investors or investors who are waiting for market volatility or global uncertainty to subside. It should produce higher returns than call deposits while interest rates are declining. In rising interest rate environments, these funds will benefit soonest from higher call deposit rates. The fund pays out or reinvests income on a monthly basis.
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
1 Year | 6.78% | 6.76% |
3 Years | 6.08% | 6.11% |

Sanlam Global Balanced Fund of Funds
The Fund is an actively managed Rand denominated offshore portfolio that is well diversified in terms of asset classes (equities, bonds, property & cash), countries and currencies. It aims to provide investors with maximum long-term capital growth without transcending the equity allocation limit of 75%.
It employs active asset allocation and investment manager allocation strategies appropriate to the fund’s objective and focuses on risk adjusted returns, performance delivery and volatility management.
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
1 Year | 23.30% | 28.70% |
3 Years | 18.85% | 21.63% |

Sanlam Global Equity Fund
The Fund is an actively managed Rand denominated global equity fund aiming to deliver returns over the long term by investing in a carefully selected, diversified basket of shares across the globe.
It employs an active, conviction-driven management style. Key to the fund is its focus on identifying growing companies with competitive franchises and strong cash generation.
The fund is suited to investors seeking exposure to a diversified portfolio of international equities targeting long term growth are well suited to invest in this fund. It provides a high degree of protection against potential Rand depreciation. It is a Rand denominated international fund. No foreign exchange tax clearance is required.
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
1 Year | 8.53% | 24.31% |
3 Years | 14.61% | 23.55% |

Sanlam Global Equity Income Feeder Fund
The objective of this feeder fund is to generate a growing stream of dividend income for investors through investing in equities, while at the same time pursuing moderate growth in the capital invested.
The portfolio primarily invests in participatory interests of the FSB approved Sanlam Investment Management Global Equity Income Fund, a sub-fund of the Irish domiciled Sanlam Universal Funds plc. It may also hold ancillary liquid assets including cash and/or money market instruments.
The manager strives to achieve this through investing in the shares of companies that are offering relatively high dividend yields and are well established, have healthy balance sheets, generate strong cash flows and have demonstrated a commitment to paying regular dividends.
The fund is suited to individuals looking to receive a growing stream of dividend income. It is a Rand denominated fund. No foreign exchange tax clearance is required.
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
1 Year | 21.19% | 25.92% |

Sanlam Global Equity Fund
The Fund is an actively managed Rand denominated global equity fund aiming to deliver superior returns over the long term by investing in a carefully selected, diversified basket of shares across the globe.
The Fund employs an active, conviction-driven management style. Key to the fund is its focus on identifying growing companies with competitive franchises and strong cash generation.
The fund is for investors seeking exposure to a diversified portfolio of international equities targeting long term growth are well suited to invest in this fund. It provides a high degree of protection against potential Rand depreciation, is well suited to be used as the global equity component within a diversified multi-asset portfolio and is a Rand denominated international fund. No foreign exchange tax clearance is required.
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
1 Year | 2.86% | 17.03% |
3 Years | 18.31% | 25.03% |

SIM Global Equity Income Feeder Fund
The objective of this feeder fund is to generate a growing stream of dividend income for investors through investing in equities, while at the same time pursuing moderate growth in the capital invested.
The portfolio primarily invests in participatory interests of the FSB approved Sanlam Investment Management Global Equity Income Fund, a sub-fund of the Irish domiciled Sanlam Universal Funds plc. The portfolio may also hold ancillary liquid assets including cash and/or money market instruments.
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
1 Year | 28.12% | 34.01% |
3 Years | 23.01% | 20.76% |

Sanlam Tax Free Investment Core Plan
Money is invested in the Satrix Life Time Investment Option for Tax-free Investments. This option invests in the Satrix Balanced Index Fund and the Satrix Low Equity Balanced Index Fund.
Sanlam manages the allocation to these funds on your behalf. If the investment term is longer than 10 years, all funds are initially invested in the Satrix Balanced Index Fund. This fund is moderately aggressive and can have a fair amount of fluctuations in short-term returns, in anticipation of a higher real return over the long term. If the remaining expected investment term is less than 10 years, the funds are gradually switched to the Satrix Low Equity Balanced Index Fund, a fund with more stable investment returns. Both of these funds are passively managed funds, tracking a basket of indices.