Our Investments
Investment Name | Type | Risk | Time Horizon | ||
Personal Trust Managed Fund (Tax-Free) | Unit Trust | High, Medium, Medium high | 05 to 50 years | ![]() |
We’ve queried our database of tax-free investments and selected ones that match your risk level and time horizon. So using the inputs you gave us on the previous page, we’ve queried our database for products that fit.
If you want to change your time horizon or risk tolerance, please use the investment picking tool again.
Click the i next to each investment for more information about it. You can also click on the “contact me” links to have subscribing investment providers contact you.

Personal Trust Managed Fund (Tax-Free)
Personal Trust Managed Fund (Tax-Free) is an investment that allows natural persons that are South African residents to earn tax-free growth on their contributions to this unit trust. All returns earned on the invested contributions are free from South African tax on interest, capital gains and dividends.
Return Period Years | Return Percentage | Benchmark Percentage |
1 Year | 8.60% | 10.42% |
3 Year | 16.80% | 15.00% |
5 Year | 14.76% | 14.50% |