Our Investments
Investment Name | Type | Risk | Time Horizon | ||
Momentum Flexible Tax-free Option | Unit Trust | Medium | 01 to 50 years | ![]() |
We’ve queried our database of tax-free investments and selected ones that match your risk level and time horizon. So using the inputs you gave us on the previous page, we’ve queried our database for products that fit.
If you want to change your time horizon or risk tolerance, please use the investment picking tool again.
Click the i next to each investment for more information about it. You can also click on the “contact me” links to have subscribing investment providers contact you.

Momentum Flexible Tax-free Option
In order to encourage South Africans to save, the South African government has introduced a new savings vehicle in the form of a tax-free savings account.
You can start investing in tax-free investment and savings products from 1 March 2015.
To date, the returns and proceeds from saving and investment products have been subject to tax. The benefit that you will now enjoy from investing or saving through tax-free products is that all returns and proceeds from such products will be completely tax free.
Momentum is excited to announce the introduction of our tax-free products through the Wealth Investment Series and My Savings Portfolio. We will monitor your contributions to your tax-free savings products and other investment products with Momentum to make sure that you stay within the legislated limits.
Speak to your financial adviser to discuss any of your requirements and to help you choose the most appropriate product for your savings goals.
The Wealth Investment Series product is called the Flexible Tax-Free Option.
The tax-free products offered through My Savings Portfolio are the Tax Free Education Savings,
Tax Free Retirement Savings and Tax Free Dream Savings.